Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Important Prayer Request

Today the Ministerio Publico (the people that people go to to take other people to court.) showed up at our house with the mom of the children. The mom is not allowed in our house or even near it by the order of DIF. And today she showed up with these people… all the way to the front door. They came because she had put a demanda (pressed charges) against Chuy. She did it with the help of Chuy’s own brother. His blood related brother. Chuy is in much need of prayer right now because this has been very difficult having his own family turn their backs on him in this already difficult situation. Please pray that the mom can calm down because at this point she is just preparing her way right into jail. This means that all her kids will be put into state orphanages and probably be separated for the rest of their lives. The lawyer for DIF (our side) says we have nothing to worry about but PLEASE pray.

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